"Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today."

-James Dean

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

My Impact on the Earth

Compiling a list of 100 items to keep in my life was tremendously difficult. I feel that I would be able to survive on 100 items (barely) but the difficultly in doing this would be in condensing the three or four hundred items my own down to precisely 100. My list ended around 80 items. It was a painstaking process. It was difficult to count exactly how many items I own but my estimate would be about 400-450 items (including all my clothes, hygiene products, my bike, sports equipment, everything! Which is quite a lot but I might even have more!). My group’s “Mapping the Impact” project was quite intriguing. We chose a simple item, a baseball. The number of steps necessary to create a baseball and all the items necessary to produce it fascinated all of our group members. It was amazing to learn that all MLB (stands for Major League Baseball) baseballs are hand-stitched in Costa Rica. Cork, twine, rubber, yarn and all the other components of a baseball have to be shipped to China, where 90% of the world’s baseballs are made. Thinking about all ingredients necessary in making a baseball makes me cringe because I think about all the shipping of the ingredients and all the fuel used in producing them. The 100 items assignment and the “Mapping the Impact” assignment both made me think about all the things we produce and consume in the world (and America especially). I tend to think about these items individually now. Hopefully I will be able to control myself as a shopper and only purchase things I’ll need or use frequently. And my result from the ecological footprint quiz made me hate America. I feel that I’m about an average American citizen. Therefore, our country is obnoxiously wasteful and oblivious. If all people on the earth lived like I did we would need 5.05 earths..just sickening. This quiz has inspired me to reduce and reuse.  I already recycle to the best of my ability but now I aim to reduce and reuse more efficiently. These activities have opened my eyes to the evil materialistic ways of the world and me. I hope to fix that.

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